Friday, November 20, 2015

Natural Remedies For Vitiligo

Vitiligo is a condition that causes depigmentation in areas of skin.
It manifests when melanocytes, the cells responsible for skin pigmentation, die off or become unstable in operation. The cause of vitiligo is unknown, but research suggests the possible origin of the autoimmune, genetic, neural, viral causes or from oxidative stress.
Due to loss of melanin, the pigment that protects the skin from UV rays, the skin on the areas of diseased is sensitive to the sun. When exposed to sunlight, areas without pigments are subject to burns that can cause further spread of the disease, and darkening of the skin surrounding the current focus seems even more obvious. This is why vitiligo important moderate exposure to the sun, with the obligatory use of a sunscreen

Here are some recipes for vitiligo :

The oil of black pepper

1 tablespoon of black pepper
2 dl olive oil

Pepper crushed, put in a jar and cover with olive oil. Close the jar and shake well.
After two weeks rest in a warm, dark place, with occasional agitation, the oil filter. Store in a dark bottle in a dark and cool place.
Depigmented areas of skin rub oil 3 times a day. After applying the oil, wash the skin of chamomile tea.

Balm of carrots

1 dl of carrot juice
1 tablespoon honey
1 tablespoon olive oil

Carrot juice mix with honey and olive oil. Store in a tightly closed dark bottle in the refrigerator. Use within 3 days.
Areas of skin smear balm 3 times a day. In addition, every day to drink 1-2 dl of fresh carrot juice.

Vegetable oil - against vitiligo

1 tablespoon leaves of yarrow
1 tablespoon leaves calendula
1 tablespoon of oak bark
1 tablespoon leaves elderberry
1 tablespoon of flowers St. John's wort
4-5 dl olive oil

Minced dried herbs to mix, pour olive oil and steam over boiling water slowly heat for 30-40 minutes. The mixture was left to stand in a refrigerator overnight.
The next day the mixture again heated over the steam of hot water and strain the oil into a dark bottle. Keep in a cool place.
At least 6 months, several times during the day, depigmented areas of the skin, first wash the tea of ​​chamomile and then lubricate prepared with oil.

Oil of turmeric

500g fresh turmeric
8 liters of water
5 dl oil of mustard

Fresh turmeric rhizome mash to a pulp. Porridge put in a large pot for cooking, pour water and leave overnight to power.
The next morning the mixture boil and simmer until the water does not boil about a liter. Liquid strain and mix with the oil of mustard
The mixture heated until all the water evaporates and leaves only the oil. Oil back strain and pour into a glass bottle. Bottle tightly closed and store in a dark, cool place.
Every morning and evening, with oil smeared depigmented areas of skin. The results are visible after a few months.

Tea made from horsetail

2 teaspoons of horsetail
2.5 dl of boiling water
1 tablespoon honey
Chopped dry distaff pour boiling water, cover and let it rest for 15- 20 minutes and strain. Tea sweetened with honey. Take a month, three times per day. After a break of one month, therapy may be repeated. In such a way to implement a course of at least 6 months.

Unsweetened tea can be used as a covering and as a bath, but more effective is the tea prepared from 2-3 times the amount of dry horsetail.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

The Best Natural Remedies For a Toothache !!!

Toothache can be very strong and painful. Those who are not able to go or are afraid of the dentist, and put off getting it and suffer the pain or they fed painkillers, can apply a natural remedy for a toothache until an adventure of going to the dentist.

Propolis Spray
The pain disappears ten and pain that was supposed to perform magically disappear.

Cloves - Syzygium aromaticum
As soon as you feel the pain of the teeth, place the clove on the painful place and firmly bite. Hold for 15 minutes to half an hour. The pain will be gradually reduced, then clear disappear. When a toothache stronger, use oil of cloves, which acts like an anesthetic.
After placing the cloves on the sore pain will be mitigated in record time, as when the dentist complete anesthesia. In addition to anesthetic action, clove oil Anti-inflammatory and relieves the cause of pain, and it is good for fresh breath.

You can apply the salt directly to the sore spot. Apply salt to cover the entirely sore spot. You will immediately notice how the salt works, it will alleviate the pain.

Alcohol, especially brandy and cognac are known folk remedies for a toothache. Inflammation of teeth softened by acting disinfection and destroying the clusters of bacteria that cause them. To alleviate a toothache, rinse the painful area several times with alcohol room temperature.

Garlic oil is a miraculous remedy for toothache. Put on the sore spot. Ease your pain for a while, and when you start to feel pain again, re-apply it.

Half a teaspoon of nutmeg powder mix with one teaspoon of mustard, sesame or coconut oil. Batt make a small ball and use it to apply the mixture on the affected tooth and leave for some time. Then rinse your mouth with warm water.

St. John's Wort
A toothache, you can use a mixture of tea made from St. John's wort, calendula and bay leaf. Five tablespoon of the mixture of these herbs pour half a liter of water. Once the water boils, remove it from the heat and after 30 to 40 minutes the resulting tea can be used as a mouthwash.

Cinnamon and honey
Make a paste of one teaspoon of cinnamon powder and five teaspoons of honey and place it on the aching tooth. This can be repeated three times a day until the tooth has stopped aching.

Lavender and vinegar
Toothache can alleviate so teaspoon lavender (dried for tea or fresh) pouring vinegar (100ml) and hold for a few minutes in the mouth. Preparation is not to be ingested.

Sunday, November 15, 2015

Top Effective 20 Day Diet

Every day we are faced with different diets in the media, but with this diet you will see how easily melt away pounds and just in the start of this diet.

There is no limit to the amount of what you eat. In this diet you will not feel hungry - eat as much as you want !

1,2,3 day
In the first three days you can eat pasta only in combination with salad

4,5,6 day
Chicken with salad

7,8,9 day
Beef with salad

10,11 day
Fish with lemon and salad

12,13,14 day
Potatoes with cheese and ketchup

15,16 day
Rice cooked in any way 

17,18 day
Green beans, lentils or peas 

19 day
All day eat fruit

20 day

- You should not eat pork, bread and fizzy drinks or alcohol
- You can drink as much water as you want
- Drink Your coffee without sugar

Harmfulness of White Sugar

There is a vast literature about the harmfulness of sugar and its harmful effects on humans. Recent studies have shown that sugar leads to tooth decay, weakening of vision, affects the blood, leading to loss of bone strength and much more.
It is also worth mention that sugar may be the culprit for various states of the body burnt as: depression, mental confusion, dementia ..
But the power of habit and suggestive ads that are presented to us daily, leading up  daily dose of this poison, to acts slowly but surely.
The first step we must take to get  back our health, is to eliminate sugar from everyday use. Besides drugs and alcohol, no other substance have such power that addictive as sugar. Instead it is best to use natural sweeteners such as maple syrup, stevia, jelly, brown sugar and others.
When we are talking about brown sugar worth mention that it is much healthier than white sugar because it contains 207% more chromium. Chromium increases the stability of glucose and participates in the activity of insulin, increases glycogen in liver and muscle. Brown sugar contains in large quantities and more free amino acids.

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Usefull effects of Cocoa

Cocoa is one of the richest sources of magnesium. Magnesium is a very important mineral, mainly deficient in Western diets, participating in more than 300 metabolic processes in the body.
Cocoa is rich in calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium and manganese.
It is especially rich in sulfur, which helps build tissue and protects the liver.
How to contain monounsaturated oileic acid, similar to that in cold pressed olive oil.
Cocoa contains very little caffeine - those who accuse because, really exaggerated. It is true that theobromine, which is rich in cocoa, central nervous system stimulant, but is far milder than caffeine. However, theobromine has some interesting beneficial effects.
Except that theobromine has antibacterial properties, it has been shown that theobromine act effectively cough than drugs that are routinely prescribed.
By the amount of antioxidants exceeds all - organic Goji berries, acai read, plums, grapes and blueberries. A raw cocoa has even more about 5 times more antioxidants than roasted cocoa powder!
The researchers found that cocoa (cocoa powder, sugar) helps to prevent diabetes. Numerous studies have confirmed that dark chocolate annual health of the heart and blood vessels.
Cocoa contains more than 300 chemical substances with positive effects on health.

-protects the body from free radical damage
-reduces stress and depression
-protects heart and blood vessels
-protects against many cancers
-is an excellent source of iron
-regulates blood sugar and cholesterol
-promotes better memory and concentration
-reduces the risk of heart attack
-it helps regulate blood pressure

Useful preventive effects of cocoa can get but if you consume 3-4 cubes of dark chocolate a day. But do not kid yourself that eating plain chocolate (as long as it was black) enter the body healthy cocoa. Unfortunately in the process of production of cocoa chocolate is heated and loses its nutritional and medicinal properties.
In cocoa also contains serotonin and dopamine, the hormone of happiness. Grain cocoa is rich in omega-6 fatty acids that feed the brain and help the overall functioning of the body.
Due to the above, incorporate cocoa in your daily diet.
Buy pure, organic cocoa and enjoy its benefits.

Do Not Split the Pills Before You Drink

Do you know what happens if you split the pill before you drink it?
This practice pharmacists not recommend, but advised that the pills should not break.

Whether they are chronic patients who take daily therapy, or only occasionally drink some medicine, many people take half a pill, to thereby halving the dose taken.
Filmed pills are coated with the ground, usually to prevent the dissolution of the drug effect in the stomach, as well as to protect the stomach lining from the corrosive substances from the drug, and therefore is not recommended that the pill fractures.

By breaking some medications amended pharmacological formulations are not shared properly dose, and in some, a multi-layer coated drugs, with a complicated way of release of drug, changing the complete effect of a medicine, with unpredictable effects.
If the filmed pill crush, disappears protective effect of the drug layer to the stomach lining.

Some drugs can be broken, and that usually those who already have a printed line, although the existence of the line is not a sure sign that this pill may divide in half.

The best is to share only those drugs is clearly indicated in the instructions for the drug, or if patients get such advice from a doctor or pharmacist.

How to grow herbs and have it all year round

Autumn is the ideal time to plant a garden with spices and herbs. You can enjoy its benefits during the winter.
Herbs that is freshly picked apart the strong flavor also contains the highest value of minerals and vitamins.

All you need is some advice, airy and bright rooms, and a few well-chosen species of plants.

Regular potting can be mixed with sand in a ratio of 3: 1. Most of these plants are well tolerated by the water, but they need to be watered only when the surface of the earth in the pots dry.

- Mint

Peppermint relieves allergies and asthma, and helps protect against infection.
Mint spreads like weeds and must have a special jar because it could easily occupy space other plants.
Put it on the sill, to light the place where will not be directly exposed to the sun.

- Parsley

Parsley is a rich source of antioxidants, and folic acid, which protects heart health.
This plant likes places that are directly exposed to sunlight, but will grow slowly and the window facing east or west.

- Oregano

Oregano contains carvachol thanks to which has strong antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Oregano is very resistant to all conditions.
Place the jar on the windowsill on the south side to the plant received as much sunlight.

- Rosemary

Rosemary increases energy and improves memory, helps with gout and rheumatism.
The best will thrive if they get the largest possible number of hours of sunshine.

- Sage

Sage has antibacterial and anti-fungal activity. Soothes, refreshes and invigorates, helps the pain and high fever.
It withstands dry air indoors, but likes very sunny position.

- Basil

Basil is a powerful antioxidant and a natural antibiotic. It strengthens the immune system and protects the heart and blood vessels.
Place the planted plant to the south side in order to get as much sun and heat.

- Bay leaf

Bay leaf stimulates circulation and reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Place it on a window or balcony on the east or west side and make sure the jar have enough space between individual plants, because the laurel need good air circulation.

Prepare 7 Liter Juice With Only 4 Lemons

Believe it or not you can prepare the juice with only 4 lemons.


- 4 lemons
- 700gr. sugar
- 30 grams citric acid powder
- 7 liters of water


Wash lemons well, pour them in boiling water to remove bitterness  and grind them in a blender. In the mixture add 1,5 litres of water. Place citric acid and sugar and stir well in order to dissolve the sugar. The resulting mixture put to stand for 24 hours in the refrigerator. Then strain the juice and add 5.5 liters of water. Place the juice in bottles.

Effective Removal of Facial Hair

Facial hair can be a big problem for women. Women have to do a lot of things to maintain their beautiful skin. However, facial hair can make your face look unclean, dark and dirty. So, you can try some homemade remedies to get rid of facial hair naturally. There are few homemade facial scrubs that can remove hair from the face and also cleanse it. 

For this home preparation you will need:

- one small bowl
- curcuma
- yogurt
- flour

Mix all ingredients until you get a consistent mixture.
 Apply the mixture on the upper lip or any part of the face where you have hair . Place a thin strip paper the mixture.
 Allow to dry.
 Sharply, remove the tape in the opposite direction from the growth of hairs.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

To Potency - With Herbs

Tea for good potency :

  • 3 tablespoons walnut leaf
  • 3 tablespoons Icelandic mildew
  • 4 tablespoons lemon grass
  • 3 tablespoons hops

All these herbs should be thoroughly mixed, then a tablespoon of this mixture is poured into 100ml. water to boil for 3 minutes. Filter and drink 1 to 2 cups a day.

Soon those who use this tea will experience health improvement and improving potency.

Syrup for Strengthening the Lungs

We all know how important the lungs, so you should take care of them. In addition to this post you have home-made syrup for their treatment.

For the preparation of this syrup is necessary:
    - 1kg of honey
    - 100g onion
    - 50g. grated horseradish root
    - slightly beaten garlic
    - 30g. minced mint
    - 100g good brandy

All ingredients are mixed thoroughly and taken twice 1 tea spoon with tea of lime.

What Calories Look Like ?

Some Practical Tips .....

- Potatoes will be much tastier if you put them in boiling salted water, not cold water before digestion  .

- The lentil will be more palatable if you add diluted vinegar before you serve them .

- When you buy carrot, then dial thinner and longer carrots because they are softer and tastier especially if you eat them raw.

- When you are preparing  white sauces would be good if you use enamel or ceramic pots, aluminum vessels because  the sauce gets a greenish - gray color.

- When you boil spinach do not throw water - can be used for cooking rice. It would be better-tasting and rich in vitamins.

- When You want to buy fresh spinach than always practice this advice - Break sheet - if  spinach is fresh, in the broken place appears a drop of liquid.

-If You want to make croquettes or potato dumplings would be better if boiled potatoes cool enough first, then add the remaining ingredients.

- Mushrooms will not fade if you put them in water in which you put a little vinegar.

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

How To Boost Your Immune System

The weakness of the immune system can cause a variety of symptoms, such as fatigue, muscle weakness, susceptibility to infections, tissue inflammation, delayed wound healing, etc.
Your immune system is responsible for defense against bacterial, fungal and viral infections caused by various diseases.
Some food can strengthen your immune system and reduce the risk of infection.
Colds and viruses will easily avoided by nutrition. Therefore, add in your menu these few ingredients and beat the pesky winter colds.

The study from Harvard showed that tea increases the amount of interferon in the blood. Black and green teas are rich in amino acids that enhance immunity. How would you feel better, every day, drink a couple cups of hot tea.

Chicken soup
Chicken soup helps in the treatment of colds. The amino acid cysteine, which is released during cooking chicken is chemically very similar remedy against bronchitis. Salty soup thins mucus just like cough medicine. Spices such as onions and garlic can further enhance immuno-stimulant properties soup. 

Garlic in itself has compounds that help fight infection and bacteria. Also, it reduces the possibility for the development of gastric cancer and improves the overall immune system. Every day eat two cloves of garlic.

Oats and barley
These cereals on the market with the beta-glucon. This is the kind of fiber that has antimicrobial and antioxidant properties. This chemical compound helps in wound healing, enhances immunity and increases the effect of antibiotics. Ideally, at least one serving of oats and barley eat every day.

Probiotics contained in yogurt are healthy bacteria and reduce the chance of developing the disease of the digestive tract. Probiotics can enter the body through a variety of dietary supplements in the form of tablets, but it's better to opt for natural foods, such as yogurt. The daily dosage of 200 grams of yogurt as effective as the tablet.

Zeolite - Powerful Antioxidant !!!

Zeolite is a general term for a series of zeolite minerals of volcanic origin that are in nature.
Zeolites are great ,, scavengers of nature ".Exceptional is the application of zeolites in medicine, pharmacy, agriculture, animal nutrition, dietary supplements. It is also important applications in decontamination of radioactivity in nuclear centers because they prevent the effects of ultraviolet rays and electromagnetic waves.
 Free radicals are unstable molecules that react readily with other compounds and disrupting the balance of taking electrons from other molecules. Then the stable molecules of forming free structure, damaging DNA, leads to chain scission and such disorders result in tumor formation, diseases of the liver, autoimmune diseases.
Zeolite confirms the theory that many diseases can be treated with natural substances and minerals from natural remedy for most health problems of people .  For people are dangerous herbicides, pesticides, insecticides, substances extreme toxicity, sprays, formaldehyde, benzene, diesel fumes, hair dyes, paint coloring. Therefore it is essential to the prevention against various negative impacts on living cells occasionally used zeolite or other products of similar function in range of protection a humans.
Thanks to the activation and modification of the basic zeolite mass, zeolite has an outstanding performance in the prevention and treatment of a large number of health problems.
Zeolite has a function of quality natural dietary supplement as an antioxidant, and the absorbent detoxificator of heavy metals and free radicals.
The effect of a powerful antioxidant, and the absorbent is manifested by the reduction of toxic load the body of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Hg, Ni, As ...) and ammonia products boiling in gastro entero-logical tract. The US Food's products such as zeolite ranked in the GRAS group which means that he is extremely safe for  human use. Zeolite minerals do not accumulate and do not stay in the body. It is active during 5-10h and then completely eliminated through urine, stool and sweat.
Purpose of zeolite
Zeolite multiple improves health, act preventative against toxins, viruses and allergens. Zeolite improves health status in the following uncomfortable and unpleasant health events:
Protects gastrointestinal system (small intestine - the colon - the rectum - anus) .It has positive effect on liver disease, hepatitis C for the normalization of AST, ALT, GOT, AP LDH and bilirubin. In cancer prevention neutralize nitrozamine . Efficiently revitalize the body after drinking alcohol, the rapid detoxification of the body.
Athletes enables faster regeneration of important functions and increased endurance and largely prevents gastritis, nausea and acid from the stomach, performs the elimination of triglycerides.
Zeolite looks complex in a wide range, but it can not cure all, primarily due to the specifics of various medical people and diseases, illnesses, and the length of unpleasant events and problems.
Zeolite takes place in the small intestine so that the molecules penetrate the lymphoid tissue where they come into contact with the immune system, which is gradually strengthened.
When immunity falls due to illness, stress, the use of zeolites radiation stimulates the activity of T and B lymphocytes.
In autoimmune diseases zeolite bound lymphocytes and recognize them as antigen, whereby a strong immune response - the destruction of T cells.

Application Instructions
Take 20 to 30 days after 5 years. Then a pause 7 to 10 days depending on the health status stop using or extend a new cycle. The zeolite is in the body retains 5-10h. It is used without a prescription.
Due to intense absorption effects and rapid bonding of heavy metals and toxins required between taking drugs and make zeolite break 3-4 hours in order not to cancel the effects of drugs.
Recommended increased intake of liquids during the course of therapy.
Patients on dialysis are prohibited from using zeolite.
Zeolite is due to insufficient levels of R is not recommended for pregnant women, nursing mothers and children under 5 years. Patients undergoing chemotherapy is recommended consultation with a physician before using zeolite.


Along with calcium and phosphorus, and magnesium contributes to health in many ways and is the main ingredient of bones. Magnesium is important for metabolism and protein creation. The proper balance of calcium and magnesium is important for healthy bones and teeth, reduces the risk of osteoporosis. Calcium and magnesium manage muscle activity, calcium stimulates contraction of muscles, magnesium and their loosening.
Adequate levels of magnesium in the blood protects the body from diseases of the heart and blood vessels, cardiac arrhythmia, stroke caused by blood clots in the brain, insomnia, muscle cramps and leg as a result of insufficient inflows of blood, premenstrual syndrome, High blood pressure, angina ...
Usually we get enough magnesium through the food . Good sources of magnesium include: fish, green leaf vegetables, milk, nuts, seeds and whole grains such as wheat.
Supplements containing magnesium exclusively use only under medical supervision.
Magnesium can be administered in the form of magnesium citrate malate which are easily absorbed and magnesium glycinate in large quantities sometimes causes diarrhea.The needs for magnesium increases under stress or illness. 
Studies show that the use of magnesium soon after a heart attack to increase the chances of patient survival.
The body is well processed magnesium. The kidneys create reserves as needed, and the entire surplus to excrete so that lack or poisoning due to excess magnesium are very rare. Magnesium is important for metabolism, bone and teeth .

Benefits of Eggplant

Eggplant is very popular for treating various kinds of diseases. This vegetable has a great beauty with its purple.
General characteristics of eggplant that are quite bitter taste and spongy texture. Different studies have shown that the skin of this vegetable has more fiber than the actual vegetables. The phenol-rich extracts of vegetables inhibit enzymes that provide a strong basis of biochemical nature inducing proper glucose control and reduce high blood pressure condition due to hypertension.
Health Benefits:
- Eggplant prevents cancer, especially colon cancer. This is because the eggplants are very rich in fiber content. People who want to reduce the chances of colon cancer should include eggplant in their daily food.
- Consumption of juice eggplant lowers the level of cholesterol in the walls of the arteries and aorta. People who drink this juice benefit from improved blood flow, because the walls of the blood vessels are relaxed.
- Eggplant treated and managed type 2 diabetes, because it is rich in fiber and low soluble carbohydrate.
- Eggplants are very rich in antioxidants. Is an antioxidant called nasunin keep cells from the damaging effects of toxic and free radicals, while the phenol antioxidant protection against a variety of infections caused by bacteria.
- Eggplants are devoid of fat and very high in fiber, which gives the effect of fullness when consumed and the number of calories is also very low.

Natural Syrup of Mint and Lemon

The combination of lemon and mint has a beneficial effect on our body which is very familiar to us. 
Here's a perfect syrup which is quite easy to prepare.
In a glass jar with lid put :
- 1L. freshly filtered water
- 500gr. brown sugar
- 3 large lemons cut into thin rings
- 1 bundle fresh mint
Stir the syrup until sugar dissolves in the liquid. Place the jar in the refrigerator to stand 24 hours and then strain the liquid, which will be as thick as syrup.
Dissolve a little in a glass with the addition of fresh water . You will be amazed from  taste of the combination of mint and lemon.

How to Get Rid of Dandruff

Causes of dandruff are varied, and the problems with it are both men and women. On the formation of dandruff and genetic factors affect hormones, climate, stress, mood, allergies and nutrition.
In addition to excessive hygiene or too frequent shampooing or washing the wrong shampoo and too frequent use of hair products (gels, sprays, creams, hair coloring ...), the cause for the formation of dandruff is primarily skin fungus Malassezia.
Dandruff can occur in a dry and oily scalp.
Oily dandruff is yellowish in color and adheres to the scalp. Mostly thin and follows the excessive secretion of sebum, the hair is often dull, weak and quickly grease, there is an excess sebum that can cause itching.
Dry dandruff is whitish color, easily separates from the scalp and spread her hair. Mostly thin, hair is often dull and weak, and scalp dried. In dry scalp, excessive peeling further enhances the dryness of the scalp and there is a feeling of discomfort
If you have a problem with dandruff shampoo necessarily have to change.
However, except shampoos, there are natural ways to get rid of dandruff.
- Lemon is very effective, but you will need a little more time to solve it . Rub lemon juice into the scalp and leave to stand for a minute, and then with a mixture of lemon juice and water rinse. This can be repeated every day until the dandruff disappears.
- You can mix a teaspoon of baking soda with one cup of water and a few drops of essential oil of rosemary. This mixture was used instead of shampoo every time you wash your hair.
- Apple cider vinegar is known for its antibacterial properties, which is useful in the fight against dandruff. Mixing vinegar with water in the same proportion. Rinse hair with this mixture and leave overnight. The next day, wash your hair with a mild shampoo.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Carrots - Healthy Food and Natural Medicine

The carrot is one of the healthiest vegetables because it contains many useful and medicinal ingredients and has expressed antimicrobial action.
Today there are carrots in different colors: orange, white, yellow, red, purple ... The different colors of carrots contains different antioxidants, ingredients that fight the harmful effects of free radicals.
The carrot contains many vitamins and minerals and because of anti-oxidative effect, they have very beneficial effect on the body. It enhances the natural defensive resistance of the body and strengthens the immune system. 
Carrot is a natural remedy that helps in many diseases and pathological conditions. It is recommended for the following conditions and diseases:
  • anemia
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels,
  • obesity
  • heartburn,
  • Loss of appetite
  • depression and stress,
  • skin disorders (dermatitis, eczema)
  • to improve vision,
  • for better fat burning in the body,
  • to strengthen nails,
  • in diseases of the kidney,
  • maintenance of brain function,
  • osteoporosis,
  • reducing fatigue,
  • the cholesterol,
  • colds and flu,
  • for regulation of blood pressure,
  • to maintain normal body weight,
  • regulating metabolism,
  • prevention of malignancies,
  • in diabetes,
  • at a brain stroke.

Carrots contain the following nutritional and medicinal ingredients:
beta-carotene, dietary fiber, vitamin C, A, B, D, PP, iron, glutamine, potassium, calcium, calcium pectate, carotenoids, xanthophylls, lycopene, sodium, pectin, carbohydrates, phosphorus, zinc, essential oils.

Numerous studies have proven that carrots cleanses the body of harmful substances resulting from poor diet and the effect of polluted environment and various radiation.

Drinking Water - Art and Science

 Ayurveda Science teaches us the ideal method of how to do it in order to feel as good as possible.
               *  *  *

- Sit and drink- as you sit when you eat.
- Take a sip by sip, do not drink the whole glass.
- Do not swallow too much water at once because your body does not absorb the liquid, just pass through you.
- Temperature of water should be room. Cold and icy water literally shuts down your digestive fire.
- After a meal, drink a sip of water. If you drink too much while you are eating, your stomach will not have enough space for the digestive action. Remember this rule: fill your stomach 50% food, 25% water and leave 25% empty space digestive processes.
- Drink when you are thirsty-natural urge to be listened to.
- Your urine should be quite clear and straw-colored. If it is dark yellow, drink more water.
- Your lips are another indicator. If dry, it is likely your body is dehydrated.
The rules are very simple, perhaps even obvious. But they can make a serious change in how we feel on a daily basis. The important rule is to become aware of what we eat and drink and always listen to the signals of the body.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Weapon Against Many Diseases!

Asthma, arthritis, hypertension, infertility, impotence and even cancer - all these terrible conditions can not resist the treatment with this elixir. This drink strengthens the immune system and lowers "bad" cholesterol.
For preparation of this elixir we need only three ingredients:
-1 Cup of apple cider vinegar;
-1 Cup natural honey;
-10 Cloves of garlic.
Clean garlic. Mix vinegar with garlic cloves and honey, put the mixture in a tightly closed glass jar. Keep refrigerated.
Take two tablespoons of the mixture of fasting.
This curative drink has no side effects and is useful not only for those who have health problems but also for healthy people. If you take each day, you will protect yourself from seasonal infections and strengthen the protective properties of the body.

Vitamin E

We are conducting a number of studies on Vitamin E to find out more about its beneficial properties.
Vitamin E is great for beauty and health, has strong antioxidant properties and it reduces the level of free radicals in the body.
It helps in the prevention of heart attack and stroke, lowers harmful cholesterol that increases the risk of formation a blood clots. It also helps prevent cramps and reduction of symptoms in the muscle.
Vitamin E helps control blood sugar levels, which can greatly facilitate the lives of diabetics.
Maintain the health of the lungs and helps in their recovery.
Reduces the risk of developing certain types of cancer, protects cells from damage DNA which may be the reason for the creation of malignant cells.
It reduces and prevents the spread of malignant cells and strengthens the immune system.


Wild Pear (Mespilus germanica) or medlar.
A tree can grow up to seven meters, flourishing at the end of April and delicious fruits are harvested in the fall. Medlar are hard and brittle, so they should stay a few weeks to mature and completely softened and each fruit contains five large seeds.
Medlar contains many medicinal ingredients, tannins, vitamin C, pectin, resin, apple, citric and tartaric acid ...
From medlar, you can make jam, liqueur, brandy and connoisseurs of folk medicine claim to improve vision, strengthen the liver and kidneys, improving blood count, eliminating pain in the back and knees. They are also recommended by dizziness, diarrhea, infections of the oral cavity, even impotence.
Immature fruit medlar tightens the mucous membrane and therefore are good to stop bleeding and prevent the occurrence of canker sores in the mouth. It also encourages the work of the salivary glands and stomach, which is particularly recommended for the elderly.
The seeds of this plant are very healthy, kept in water until swollen, and during that time released medicinal ingredients. This water is used as a coating in skin injuries.
It should not exaggerate with them because they are difficult to digest, and can cause diarrhea. To make a long lasting, need to be refrigerated.
Tea is made from tablespoons chopped fresh medlar and half a pint of water. The fruits are dipped in hot water, cover, leave to stand for one hour and then procede. During the day, drink two cups.

Bottle of Herbal Roots Eldermune next to it box surrounded by capsules and raw elderberries and eldermune powder