Saturday, April 2, 2016

Refresh And Revitalize Your Body With Popular Sassy Water !!!

This delicious drink, which is named after its creator Cynthia Sass, refreshes and revitalizes, contains the minimum number of calories, has a beneficial effect on the body, reduces flatulence and soothes the digestive tract.

Cynthia claims that drinking this beverage waist circumference may reduce as much as 10 cm in just four days!

The human body needs a minimum of eight glasses of water so that it can function normally. It is recommended consumption of fruits and vegetables that contain a large amount of water.

Proper hydration of the body, helps maintain the level of fluid in the body and prevents constipation and bloating intestines.

It is important that during the four days of consuming the drink you avoid sweets, snacks, fat and calorie foods, and turning to healthier foods.

Ingredients :

8 glasses of water (you can add more if you drink more water during the day)
1 teaspoon grated ginger root
1 fresh cucumber medium size, peeled and cut into thin slices
1 medium size lemon, cut into thin slices
12 leaves of spearmint

All the ingredients mix in a jar, refrigerate overnight and then strain.

As soon as you get up, start with the consumption of these powerful fluid, drink all through the day and at evening make a new dose for tomorrow.
To see the results, it is very important to drink this drink at least four days and drink nothing else.

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