Sunday, November 1, 2015


Thanks to the beneficial properties of preventing infection, lavender, in the absence of other drugs, often used in the disinfection of wounds.
Since it is also possible to prepare a delicious tea which will help to calm and to regulate stomach problems.
Versatile lavender also helps eliminate pain. Its faint scent generally soothes, relaxes and removes the feeling of tension, and lavender essential oil can also be used for massage, and a reliable rheumatic pain and muscle pain.
Lavender essential oil is one of the few that can be applied to skin undiluted. Because it promotes its regeneration, is an excellent tool in wound healing and scars, and acne, eczema and burns.
Lavender essential oil can be used for inhalation, by making a few drops poured into a container of hot water. This will clear the respiratory system and refresh the whole organism.
Lavender is useful in the treatment of bacterial and fungal infections of the skin.
Pad filled with lavender will provide an easy and restful sleep.
Even in food, because in addition to the seductive scent, has a delicate flavor, resulting from ancient times used as a spice in sweet and savory dishes.
And since it can make a delicious syrup, and  diluted with water, used as a refreshing beverage or as a supplement to a variety of cocktails, fruit salads, ice creams and cakes.
Additionally, her scent will solve our society undesirable insects like mosquitoes and moths.

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