Friday, October 30, 2015



Basil is an annual plant, with branched stem up to 80 cm.

The leaves are oval with long stalks. Flowers are small, white or pink flowers collected in the form of the top end of the stem. Basil has a pleasant and characteristic odor.
The plant is cultivated. Collected at the time of blooming, above-ground part. Since ancient times, basil is a valuable medicinal plant and is widely used in folk medicine.
Basil acts as a remedy for nervous diseases, causes relaxation, calms spasms of the heart drives the bad thoughts, acts as a cure for melancholy.
 Tea basil given against bronchial spasms, stomach, intestines and bile. Basil antimicrobial properties against micro-organisms , salmonella, staphylococci and others.
Recommended for infected wounds, mucous membrane of the mouth and throat, diarrhea, colitis, chronic inflammation of the urinary and respiratory organs, cough, bronchitis, sinus, disease in the intestines and stomach.
Also, basil is a good spice and added to different foods and is used as a preservative.

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