Thursday, March 24, 2016

Walk, Avoid Elevator And Play Some Sport !!!

In order to human body to function normally, we have to worry every day about our habits, whether pay enough attention to healthy diet that should be represented in diet every day. Moderation and balance are crucial to the quality of the body and body-lines, a diverse and healthy food is exactly what helps us in it.

It is desirable to consume two or three servings of vegetables, in fresh or cooked form. The most energy source is considered in dark green leafy vegetables and red vegetables like carrots.

Consume milk and milk products with reduced fat because they are an excellent source of calcium, which is our daily needs for growth, development and maintenance of bone mass.

Fruits such as apples, plums, oranges, blueberries or grapefruit satisfy the daily amount that experts advise. Daily recommended two to three servings of fruit, which should be diversified.

Foods like bread, pasta or rice, take in small quantities.

Consume meat with low fat. Daily recommended two servings of meat, meat products and legumes.

Consume foods such as fish, nuts and vegetable oils because they represent a natural source of vitamin E and unsaturated fatty acids and have beneficial effect on health.

Entering sweets in the organism strictly limit, because they are one of the biggest enemies of health, and the highest risk for obesity.

Daily physical activity of 30 minutes is more than desirable in maintaining a healthy mind and a stronger immune system.

So, walk, avoid the elevator and play some sport !!!

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