Sunday, January 31, 2016

By Drinking Water, Cure All Diseases !!!

Consumption of water on an empty stomach at special instructions helps in the treatment of disease.
Consuming ordinary drinking water on an empty stomach is the way of purification of the human body and helps in the treatment of disease. Headache, sore muscles, heart disease, arthritis, tachycardia, epilepsy, excess weight, bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, meningitis, kidney and bladder, vomiting, gastritis, diarrhea, diabetes, constipation, eye diseases, cancer , menstrual disorders ...

Instruction :
-As soon as you wake up, before you brush your teeth, drink 4 glasses of 160 ml of water.
-Brush your teeth and do not eat or drink anything the next 45 minutes.
-After 45 minutes, eat and drink what you normally would.
-After the breakfast, lunch and dinner do not eat or drink for 2 hours.

This method of treatment will cure the sick, and allow you to enjoy a healthy life.

How long does it take to cure disease?

   *High Blood Pressure - 30 days
   *Gastritis - 10 days
   *Diabetes - 30 days
   *Constipation - 10 days
   *Cancer - 180 days
   *Tuberculosis - 90 days

Those who suffer from arthritis may follow these instructions only three days in the first week. Later, some adhere to the instructions daily. This method of treatment has no side effects, other than the beginning of frequent urination.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Help Someone To Survive a Stroke !!!

When it comes to strokes, time is of the essence. Every second counts when it comes to saving someone's life. That's why it's important to know what to do in case of a stroke emergency. One unconventional, yet effective method for treating stroke patients is the "needle method" developed by a Chinese professor.

The needle method is an alternative way to help stroke patients survive. It's important to note that the patient should not be moved, as any movement can cause capillaries in the brain to break and lead to bleeding. The idea is to use a needle and insert the peaks of all 10 fingers, the fingertips, a few millimeters from the nail bed. The needle should be inserted until blood appears.

When blood starts dripping, press the finger to encourage blood flow. Once all 10 fingers start to bleed, wait a few minutes and you'll see that the patient will recover. In case the patient's mouth is twisted, massage his ears until they are red. Then, insert the needle into the soft part of both ears and squeeze two drops of blood from each ear. A few minutes later, the patient's mouth will not be distorted anymore.

It's important to wait until the patient's condition normalizes before taking them to the hospital. This method of saving a stroke is part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been proven to be 100% effective in practice.

It's important to keep in mind that this method should only be used in emergency cases and under the supervision of a medical professional. It's always best to call for emergency services and follow their instructions. This method should not replace proper medical treatment. However, it's good to have this knowledge in case of emergency.

In conclusion, the needle method is a quick and unconventional way to help someone survive a stroke. It's important to remain calm, not move the patient, and follow the steps outlined above to save a life. But, please always make sure to call for emergency services and seek professional medical help as soon as possible.

Friday, January 29, 2016

Build A Stronger Immune System Without Drugs !!!

Living a healthy lifestyle is without doubt the best way to ensure that your body is in optimum working order; immune system included. There are some things you should definitely be doing in order to prevent the development of certain diseases, stave off illness and lead the healthiest life you can. 

Maintain A Healthy Weight: It is well documented that being either under or overweight can lead to health problems. Having too little body fat can puts strain on your heart, can cause osteoporosis and may mean that you’re deficient in certain nutrients you need to grow and be healthy. 

You should be aiming to be as active as you can be, not just by jogging once a week, but by minimizing the amount of time you spend sedentary and by regularly engaging in both leisurely exercise and more intense exercise. Exercise contributes to overall well-being and health and therefore lowers the risk of disease and illness.

Diet plays a major role in how the body fights infection. A diet which consists of too many processed foods, unhealthy fats and sugars leads to poor health, simple as that. Being deficient in the minerals and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables, will reduce your body’s ability to repair.To improve your health, eat more kale, spinach and broccoli and increase your intake of antioxidant rich such as; blueberries, chia seeds and goji berries.

Quit smoking ; Get enough sleep ; Limit stress !!!

Thursday, January 28, 2016

The Most Healthy Plant On The Planet ???

The plant, which is used worldwide for the treatment of many serious diseases and even cancer. 
Medicinal plant Aloe Vera, appearance resembles a cactus and contains a lot of water. It is rich in vitamins and minerals, especially vitamin C, E and zinc. It has antibacterial properties and therefore successfully prevents all types of infections.
Aloe Vera as a mass drug, began to be used in America at first as a laxative, and later discovered its medicinal properties for the treatment of burns, cuts, bites, the consequences of radiation, skin care, face, body and other dermatological problems.
Aloe Vera is now used for the treatment of many diseases starting from the most innocuous of allergies and skin infections, to the most serious diseases such as asthma, bronchitis, diabetes, cancer (especially skin cancer). With the help of this plant was successfully treated and anemia, hepatitis, excess cholesterol, insomnia, depression and the effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
Aloe Vera is undoubtedly considered to most healthy plant on the planet. And is known to have a major impact on health and at the same time very useful in the cosmetic industry. 
We should not ignore the fact that this plant is also extremely nutritious. In combination with a variety of fruit, Aloe Vera is very invigorating natural beverage rich in minerals and vitamins.
Today, for the treatment of various diseases mostly used Aloe Vera gel, which is obtained from the inside of the leaf and it was found to contain as much as 250 medicinal ingredients. It is possible to drink or use for outdoor use and helps in the treatment of metabolic disorders, inflammatory processes, against viruses, bacteria, fungi, to strengthen the immune system. Aloe Vera gel also stimulates internal organs: liver, heart, kidney, gall. Regulates the nervous system and helps with withdrawal from alcohol and smoking.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Health of our children is in our hands.

If you are planning a pregnancy, you should start with a healthy diet. Not only the mother but also the future dad should cleanse his body of toxins.
Nutrition during pregnancy is very important for the future good health and intelligence of the child. Feeding a child begins even while in my mother's belly. Greens are very important for the proper development of babies.
When a child is born, it needs only his mother's milk and nothing else. Breastfeeding should be as long as possible, at least 1 year and preferably to 2-3. It depends on the child. Breast-feeding is not important only for physical but also for emotional development. A child should only decide when it's time to stop breastfeeding.
If the mother has a little milk, should start with the intake of more green leafy vegetables and cysts (spring) water. Fruits and vegetables, introduce gradually, by a kind of week. The child should be everyday in the sun.
Green vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and oils are what children need. Extra virgin olive oil or coconut oil are excellent. It is important to eat every day a lot of green vegetables. Children can eat only raw foods, but if you give something cooked to children, it should not be industrial and animal products - already cooked vegetables, brown rice or potatoes. Cereals containing gluten are very dangerous to the health of the child. No gluten contains corn, buckwheat, millet, quinoa and rice.
Only 10% of the energy is obtained from food, the rest coming from the sun, sleeping and breathing. It is therefore important that children are constantly outside, barefoot, in the sun, to be physically active, to play  and to go to sleep before 10 PM (preferably before).
Babies should always be next to the mother, to hear my mother's heart, to feel maternal odor.
Health of our children is in our hands.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

How to Use Acupressure for Back Pain

Unlike acupuncture, which involves the insertion of fine needles into the skin, acupressure relies on stimulating specific points in muscles by pressing on them with your thumbs, fingers or elbows.

For mechanical back pain, treatment options include acupressure as well as chiropractic care, physiotherapy, massage therapy and acupuncture.

To eliminate back pain go through this video and just follow this easy steps.

Bottle of Herbal Roots Eldermune next to it box surrounded by capsules and raw elderberries and eldermune powder