Saturday, October 31, 2015

Parsley Helps With Inflammation Of The Prostate !!!

Even the ancient Egyptians used parsley as a means to treat kidney disease and urinary tract. It is also known that parsley helps with inflammation of the prostate, with urination problems, as well as in case of swelling of the legs, rheumatism, gout, obesity, angina pectoris and several other diseases.

Parsley originates from the Mediterranean countries, where it spread to all countries of southern Europe. Parsley is equally useful : root and leafs. The parsley has most potassium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, manganese, copper and other trace elements important for the human body. Parsley is a distinct diuretic and stimulates urination. It is suitable for the treatment of anemia, as it is rich in iron.Even the ancient Egyptians used parsley as a means to treat kidney disease and urinary tract. Herbalists note that parsley is not be used if there is inflammation of the kidneys. 
It is also useful in the diet of diabetics. His healing powers can feel women who have problems with painful or irregular menstruation. Nursing mothers is not recommended taking parsley during breastfeeding, because it can reduce and sometimes completely stop the secretion of milk.

How to make the syrup parsley, which strengthens the nerves follow the instructions: 
Take 1 kg of acacia honey, 2 ounces of juice from roots and leaves of parsley, 5 ounces of raspberries juice . The ingredients mix well and taking 3 times one tablespoon before meals.
Parsley tea is good for fevers for the excretion of urine and regulation cycle: Take 5 grams of fresh parsley leaves. Pour 1 liter of boiling water. Cover and let stand 10 minutes. Drink 3 - 4 cups (2,5 dl) during the day.
For swollen eyelids : Take 2 grams of finely chopped parsley leaves and pour 1dl of boiling water, cover and strain after 15 minutes. Morning and evening put coverings (cotton cloth soaked in tea) from this tea parsley, and you will achieve amazing results in swollen eyelids.
Parsley essential oil can cause serious effects on human health, especially irritates the gastrointestinal tract, causing fatty degeneration of the liver, heart arrythmias, and abortions, but also acts hallucinogenic. As kidney drug should not be taken without a doctor's permission, and parsley oil (Oleum petreselini) should be taken only under a doctor's prescription

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