Friday, October 30, 2015


Nettle is growing everywhere in the world except in tropical and arctic regions.
Nettle contains a significant amount of chlorophyll, mineral salts (calcium, potassium, phosphorus, iron), and vitamin C and pro-vitamin A. Furthermore, it is much more flavonoids, triterpenes, sterols and other substances which have beneficial effects on our organism. In medicinal purposes is used the root, above-ground parts of plants and leaves. The roots are collected in the spring and fall, the tips of young branches with leaves in the spring, and the whole stalk with flowers all year round.
Because iron is used for anemic people because it affects the development of more red blood cells. The most common application areas today have improved urination and rheumatism. Great application has the cosmetic purposes. Root Extract is the product against falling hair.
Nettle leaves to be cooked for 15 minutes in a liter of water, strain and drink throughout the day. The tea is recommended to drink a month.
Nettle very rarely can be found on the menu, even though it is delicious food that can be prepared as spinach.

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