Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Bananas - Fruit Of Happiness !!!

Bananas contains three different types of sugar and a large amount of fiber. Therefore, this fruit quickly provides energy, but also removed some health problems better than drugs. Do not let its high calorific value welds, bananas are the right super-food.

I believe that there are rarely anyone who does not like bananas. Except that has a superb taste, its medicinal properties are endless.

Bananas are rich in vitamin B6, which has a positive effect on blood glucose levels, because has been found that vitamin B helps with premenstrual symptoms. Bananas reduce pain in the abdomen and lower back, regulate mood changes and water retention.

Tryptophan is found in bananas in the form of a protein that stimulates the secretion of "happiness hormone" serotonin. Only one banana is enough to raise the level of these hormones so we immediately feel calmer and happier.

Stress has become a disease of the modern era that constantly adversely affect in our health. Stress accelerates metabolism, and potassium levels in the body decreases. The balance can be achieved with the help of bananas that contain a lot of potassium which normalize heart rate. Also, bananas sending oxygen to the brain and regulate the optimum amount of fluid.

It is known that excessive intakes of salt and a potassium deficiency have a negative effect on blood pressure. It is very important to have a sufficient amount of potassium in the blood, and bananas are rich in it. It is recommended that every morning, eat a banana, and it will maintain blood pressure at an ideal level.

Bananas contain pectin, dietary fiber, which speeds up digestion and remove toxins and heavy metals from  body. In addition, bananas act as a pro-biotic and stimulate digestion. 
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