Potato is very healthy and highly beneficial nutrient. In addition to being an excellent remedy for stomach, consuming juice of raw potato is an excellent tool for strengthening the immune system and helps in the removal of frequent headaches and menstrual pain ...
The juice always drink freshly made, and to improve the taste you can mix it with fruit and vegetables of your choice.
Also, if you feel weak or exhausted, drink at morning and evening juice made from one medium potato, one carrot and apples - within two weeks you will be in great shape.
- Potato juice is a great natural remedy to treat gastritis, one of the most widespread diseases of our time. It should take one tablespoon of juice diluted with a little water, half an hour before meals.
-In The treatment of ulcers of the stomach and duodenum is advisable daily intake of 50ml. potato juice on an empty stomach and 50ml. half an hour before lunch and dinner.
- Potato juice has a beneficial effect on lowering blood sugar levels, as well as in the treatment of diseases of the lungs and respiratory organs, even for serious diseases such as emphysema. Potatoes are increasingly gaining in importance as a vital tool in the fight against liver and kidney disease, or with heart disease, high blood pressure, lumbago, rheumatism ...
Potato is a source of many nutrients. If you eat potatoes with skin, especially fresh, it gives the body a lot of valuable substances, such as carbon hydrates, proteins, vitamins C and B6, potassium, iron, magnesium and zinc.
It is important to note that the vitamin C lost by cooking, which is a great pity because the raw potato medium size (approximately 150 g) even has 27 mg of vitamin C, which makes 45% of the recommended daily intake.