Monday, February 8, 2016

Kefir Is a Drink Of Longevity !!!

This is a healthy dairy product that you can easily prepare at home.
The therapeutic properties of kefir stem is from its micro-flora of kefir grains. For easy digestibility and supporting appetite, is used as a remedy for convalescents and debilitated people.
It can be consumed in fairly large quantities, from 1 to 1.5 liters per day. The kefir has especially a lot of vitamin B, which create yeasts. The digestibility is larger than of milk. Kefir is considered excellent nutrient remedy for infants and children with poor digestion, lazy digestion and even when they feel bad.
Kefir can be used for diseases of the stomach and intestines, acute inflammation of the liver, kidney disease, skin diseases, TB, cancer, constipation, anemia, allergies and asthma, cardiovascular disease, of diabetes, and for children is as good as a substitute for milk. Kefir perfectly quenches thirst.
The traditional way of producing kefir is possible at home because it is very simple. In this production, kefir grains are used as starter cultures. The procedure is as follows: the pasteurized milk and cooled to 20 ° C are added to kefir grains, is incubated until the milk does not clot, and it is usually 24 hours at 22 ° C. After incubation, kefir grains are squeezing through a plastic strainer separated from the rest of the milk.
Separate kefir grains are rinsed with cool water. After rinsing and control, grain is again transferred to the milk in order to start a new fermentation process and the entire process is also repeated every 24 hours. At a temperature lower than 20 ° C is less bacteria proliferate, and become dominant fungi and creating more alcohol and carbon dioxide, and less lactic acid.
It is best to make kefir in a sealed glass jar at room temperature. We should pay special attention to hygiene accessories used. Prepare kefir and have a healthy, nutritious and refreshing drink.
Note : 
-Do not use metal spoons and strainer.
-Kefir is propagated, and it is best to give away propagated fungus to everyone who needs it.

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