Sunday, February 7, 2016

Himalayan Salt !!!

Himalayan salt is 100% natural, has a natural and pleasant sweet-salty taste and pink color. When processed, has a bright pink color, which is a result of natural minerals it contains. These are, above all, iodine, magnesium, calcium and potassium, copper and iron, which supply the body of electrolytes and minerals. Minerals that are found in Himalayan salts are tiny and easily to be digested by cells of the human body.

Himalayan salt can be easily absorbed and prevents dehydration of the body and contains 84 elements that are present in our body, so it is completely complementary to our body and supplies all the necessary minerals. Conventional salt is affecting water retention in the tissues, which can cause the formation of cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis. Excessive intake of salt can be a common cause of Alzheimer's disease, because the artificial aluminum salt precipitates from the brain cells.
Himalayan salt has no additional negative effects, does not damage the kidneys, stomach and internal organs. 

* Prevents dehydration of the organism.
* It regulates the level of water and electrolyte in the body
* Supports the liver and kidneys.
* Improves circulation and contributes to the health of the vascular system.
* It balances the pH of the cells.
* Regulates blood sugar and prevent diabetes.
* Prevents aging of the organism.
* It helps in regulating metabolism and digestive processes.
* Supports the health of the respiratory tract, particularly the sinuses.
* Almost disappear muscle cramps.
* It affects the purification and detoxification of the blood.
* It helps strengthen bones, especially in children in developing countries.
* Restores brain cells and helps improve concentration.

It is recommended that a maximum of 3 g of salt per day. It is ideal for salads.
When dehydration and fatigue dissolve 1 g of salt in 2 ounces of water and drink sip by sip for several hours.

Eczema and skin problems, applied several times during the day solution 1g of salt in 0.5 ounces of water. Because of the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties it holds, particularly effective in the treatment of acne and psoriasis.

Adding to the bath with water, have an effect on relaxation and stress relief, achieved better blood circulation, muscle relaxation and release of toxins, revitalize and softness of the skin and quicker absorption of minerals.

Using salt during regular inhalation renewed respiratory system and reduce the symptoms of asthma and allergies.

Himalayan salt is naturally ionizes and purifies the air in the premises.
Bottle of Herbal Roots Eldermune next to it box surrounded by capsules and raw elderberries and eldermune powder