Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Stabilize The Patient Until The Ambulance Came !!!

Each of us needs to know how to point out first aid in an emergency, especially when it comes to heart attack or stroke that occur even in public places. It is essential to stabilize the patient until the ambulance came.
A heart attack or stroke, is the result of complete interruption of blood in one part of the heart muscle due to clogged blood vessels of the heart.
The main symptoms of which have been encountered are :

• Strong and persistent pain behind the breastbone that spreads to the left arm, neck and jaw
• Localized pain in the upper abdomen
• A sudden drop in blood pressure
• Shortness of breath
• Sudden weakness, fainting or dizziness, possible sudden loss of consciousness
• Fear of death
• Vomiting
• Gray-pale skin and cold sweat
• Lips are blue
• pulse is very rapid, eventually becoming weaker

It is important to put the patient set in half-sitting position - head and shoulder support, and bend the knees and immediately call an ambulance and say you suspect a heart attack. Do not move the patient, give him medicine, if it has in itself, and in the event of loss of consciousness, patients turn to the side.
Bottle of Herbal Roots Eldermune next to it box surrounded by capsules and raw elderberries and eldermune powder