Saturday, January 30, 2016

How to Help Someone To Survive a Stroke !!!

When it comes to strokes, time is of the essence. Every second counts when it comes to saving someone's life. That's why it's important to know what to do in case of a stroke emergency. One unconventional, yet effective method for treating stroke patients is the "needle method" developed by a Chinese professor.

The needle method is an alternative way to help stroke patients survive. It's important to note that the patient should not be moved, as any movement can cause capillaries in the brain to break and lead to bleeding. The idea is to use a needle and insert the peaks of all 10 fingers, the fingertips, a few millimeters from the nail bed. The needle should be inserted until blood appears.

When blood starts dripping, press the finger to encourage blood flow. Once all 10 fingers start to bleed, wait a few minutes and you'll see that the patient will recover. In case the patient's mouth is twisted, massage his ears until they are red. Then, insert the needle into the soft part of both ears and squeeze two drops of blood from each ear. A few minutes later, the patient's mouth will not be distorted anymore.

It's important to wait until the patient's condition normalizes before taking them to the hospital. This method of saving a stroke is part of traditional Chinese medicine and has been proven to be 100% effective in practice.

It's important to keep in mind that this method should only be used in emergency cases and under the supervision of a medical professional. It's always best to call for emergency services and follow their instructions. This method should not replace proper medical treatment. However, it's good to have this knowledge in case of emergency.

In conclusion, the needle method is a quick and unconventional way to help someone survive a stroke. It's important to remain calm, not move the patient, and follow the steps outlined above to save a life. But, please always make sure to call for emergency services and seek professional medical help as soon as possible.
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