Friday, January 29, 2016

Build A Stronger Immune System Without Drugs !!!

Living a healthy lifestyle is without doubt the best way to ensure that your body is in optimum working order; immune system included. There are some things you should definitely be doing in order to prevent the development of certain diseases, stave off illness and lead the healthiest life you can. 

Maintain A Healthy Weight: It is well documented that being either under or overweight can lead to health problems. Having too little body fat can puts strain on your heart, can cause osteoporosis and may mean that you’re deficient in certain nutrients you need to grow and be healthy. 

You should be aiming to be as active as you can be, not just by jogging once a week, but by minimizing the amount of time you spend sedentary and by regularly engaging in both leisurely exercise and more intense exercise. Exercise contributes to overall well-being and health and therefore lowers the risk of disease and illness.

Diet plays a major role in how the body fights infection. A diet which consists of too many processed foods, unhealthy fats and sugars leads to poor health, simple as that. Being deficient in the minerals and vitamins found in fruits and vegetables, will reduce your body’s ability to repair.To improve your health, eat more kale, spinach and broccoli and increase your intake of antioxidant rich such as; blueberries, chia seeds and goji berries.

Quit smoking ; Get enough sleep ; Limit stress !!!
Bottle of Herbal Roots Eldermune next to it box surrounded by capsules and raw elderberries and eldermune powder