Monday, November 2, 2015


Wild Pear (Mespilus germanica) or medlar.
A tree can grow up to seven meters, flourishing at the end of April and delicious fruits are harvested in the fall. Medlar are hard and brittle, so they should stay a few weeks to mature and completely softened and each fruit contains five large seeds.
Medlar contains many medicinal ingredients, tannins, vitamin C, pectin, resin, apple, citric and tartaric acid ...
From medlar, you can make jam, liqueur, brandy and connoisseurs of folk medicine claim to improve vision, strengthen the liver and kidneys, improving blood count, eliminating pain in the back and knees. They are also recommended by dizziness, diarrhea, infections of the oral cavity, even impotence.
Immature fruit medlar tightens the mucous membrane and therefore are good to stop bleeding and prevent the occurrence of canker sores in the mouth. It also encourages the work of the salivary glands and stomach, which is particularly recommended for the elderly.
The seeds of this plant are very healthy, kept in water until swollen, and during that time released medicinal ingredients. This water is used as a coating in skin injuries.
It should not exaggerate with them because they are difficult to digest, and can cause diarrhea. To make a long lasting, need to be refrigerated.
Tea is made from tablespoons chopped fresh medlar and half a pint of water. The fruits are dipped in hot water, cover, leave to stand for one hour and then procede. During the day, drink two cups.

Bottle of Herbal Roots Eldermune next to it box surrounded by capsules and raw elderberries and eldermune powder